It may affect the bones, the membranes of the brain, leading to meningitis, or the glands once it is called scorfula. It may be caused once a someone pricks himself beside anything pointed contaminated the with germs, or inspiration of particulate matter particles integrated near the small bug. As the largest factor judicious for the malady is the weakness to it, as a organic law impaired by constant ill-health, a lowered quality of resistance, heredity, an creaky atmosphere, inflated use of intoxicants, over-indulgence in sex rough employment respiratory disease and diseases of the metabolism look-alike polygenic disease. It is a disease of muck and pennilessness and does not make for folks living in spick-and-span surroundings and having sufficient channel to nutrient themselves right.
In Ayurveda it is called Rajyakshma, the sovereign of sickness. Moon, the king among the satellites of the earth, reported to our mythology, was recognized to have been sick because of a issue oaths of Brahma, the maker and hence the name, Rajyakshma has been specified to this ill.
In the primordial stages of the disease, there is an harassing cough, markedly in the morning, any lacking an bodily function or next to a definite mucus or impassivity. The opening figure of the illness is a blood-flecked unemotionality attended by pyrexia in the evenings and beneath mean temperatures in the early antemeridian and also time period sweat suit. When the symptoms are aggravated and leanness has set in, the second raised area is apparent to have been reached. If fanatical aid is not understood and psychoanalysis is not finished it may circulation to the oesophagus and the intestines. The terminal period comes once the virus reaches thoughtful into the lungs and they are untasted of cavities. The sound of the lenient may turn husky at this stage, here may be diahorrea and unwarranted prostration, next to the tolerant anyone unable to resign from the bed and before i go. The extermination comes because of rife trauma.
The time period of the complaint depends on 4 factors-
(i) The intensity of the infection;
(ii) The age of the patient;
(iii) The section at which the virus has been recognised; and
(iv) The fluent resistance of the organic structure.
If the illness reaches the intestines, at hand is symptom of the center with harm of digestion, distention of the stomach, rumbling noises in the belly and a uncompromising twinge. If the micro intestine is involved, the tolerant is constipated but once the too large bowel becomes place of the ailment, diahorrea is the conclusion. Emaciation increases quicker than in pulmonic TB. In scorfula, or TB of the glands, rubor is the chief typical. Tumours way and they suppurate handsome a repelling sense datum. When the illness attacks the bones, the clappers move into crumbling and a fatherland particular as tooth decay of the castanets grades. When it reaches the spine, there is curvature and the patient is not sufficiently expert even to stand for fastigiate. TB of the percussive instrument affects small society.
Treatment of tuberculosis has two faces:
(1) preventive, and
(2) sanative or bettering.
The prophylactic feature is much common than learned profession. It is from the slums that the unwellness starts its incurable mar. Provision of clean, on top form milieu next to in good order vented and wash down houses is the early imperative. Detection and separation of the victims of the disease is the 2nd furthermost primary entry that can be through with. Thirdly, the diet is of capital pressure. Plenty of milk, butter, achromatic gramme eggs, base of the assorted varieties, turnips, vegetable root, prickly-seeded spinach and other fertile vegetables, fruits, etc. are the else preventives. As has been declared earlier, it is a illness of muckiness and impoverishment.
The conduct of a lawsuit of t.b. essential launch beside the distance of the merciful and his purging to a sanitorium if the malady has been heard at a collateral dais. If that is not possible, he should be housed in an aired liberty wherever location is enough brightness.
Garlic is a wonderful pills for in the medicine of TB. Thirty grains of garlic cooked in active 8 ounces of drink and two pounds of liquid should be administered in two doses in the day. But the medicine is prompt lone once the complete simmering has been shrunken to one ordinal of its untested number.
Ayurveda recommends Vasa (adhatoda vasica) for tuberculosis. One apothecaries' unit of the juice from the leaves of the agent specified thrice in the day near honey provides relief. But the reusable pills is Naradiya Mahalakshami Vilasa Rasa which contains traces of gold bars. It should be administered in cardinal doses of 200 mg each in the day. Swarna Vasant Malati is the tablets in cases where there is very expensive fever, perspiring and in flames sense datum on the palms of the safekeeping and the soles of the feet. Rudanti (cressa crestca) given in 2 gm. doses two times regular cut down the injuriousness of the sickness.
Drakshasava should be administered in one ounce doses after meals. It should be integrated beside an isochronous degree of marine. Chyavanaprasha Avaleha is different suitable remediation to offer moral fibre to the persevering. The indefinite quantity in the dawn should be two teaspoonfuls near beverage on an white stomach twice over daily, but as the patient gains strength, it should be augmented. Long true pepper in fine make should be fixed in one containerful doses double day by day.
In the pilot stages of the disease, once within is dry cough, frenzy in the period of time and weakness, the succeeding medicines should be given:
Suvarna Vasanta Malati Rasa 250 mg.
Praval Pishti 500 mg.
Amritasatva 250 mg.
It should be administered with mummify (murabba) of amla, thrice each day.
In legal proceeding location is trauma past the later drugs should be administered.
(1) Vasantamalati 120 mg.
To be interpreted in antemeridian and evening next to goat's drink.
In cases of postgraduate temperatures of tuberculosis, the subsequent to prescriptions should be administered:
(1) Muktapanchamrita 120 mg.
Pachanana Rasa 120 mg.
Amritasatva 240 mg.
To be interpreted antemeridian and daylight near honey.
(2) Chandramrita 1 gm.
Sitopaladi 12 gm.
To be amalgamated with chromatic and to be utilized as linctus.
Dried fruits, remarkably dry grapes, amygdalus communis oil, etc. are efficient in this incident. Drumsticks, patola and kundru are the top-grade vegetables advisable for a exploitive persevering. Products of the goat, its milk, flesh and even urine, are reusable for a TB forbearing.