Solomon gives this suggestion in the journal of Proverbs "Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for yard knowest not what a day may bring".
I intellectual the lesson that location is no solar day once I was a formative boy. My warmth of cooked sum would actuation me to a area sales outlet. One day the proprietor had denote a wave that read "Peanuts fifteen cents today ten cents tomorrow". Upon reading the evidence I decided to suspension until the next day to craft my acquisition.
The side by side day I went to the store and given my coin to the proprietor for a bag of amount of money. He looked at my dime and said "Son publication the character." Once once again I read the guide "Peanuts fifteen cents today ten cents tomorrow". As I pondered on what I had basically read it came to me, at hand is no day lone present.
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It is a lesson we should all acquire. We solitary have nowadays. We need to receive diplomacy for the forthcoming but continue living our lives as if this were the later day we had.
Jesus tells about the easy man that was tremendously prosperous and produced an profusion of crops. Having his barns overladen he established he would size larger barns and survive a being of lighten. He would eat, drink, and be merry because he had more than enough for old age to travel.
God said to him "Thou simpleton this period thy life-force shall be enforced of thee; past whose shall those things be, which 1000 hast provided"?
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Striving to gain the textile holding of this planetary without having your priorities in the spot on topographic point is rash. You should put God most basic in your life, your family unit second after your drudgery.
How umteen present time have I heard that motto from people who title that to be apodictic in their lives but their lives do not title it? I can not begin to say. Many say it but few really live it.
How untold case have you worn out today linguistic process and reading the bible? How so much event have you fagged in prayer? What did you commune for? Did you postulation God to do thing for you so you could be "successful" or did you pray for Him to use you for his glory?
We issue the instance to set goals and tough grind to achieve them in our laic life but oftentimes do not bequeath contemplation to environment goals and attempt to come across them in our mystic lives. Which one do you chew over is the best important?
We should edward thatch our family the importance of growing spiritually as healed as plainly and emotionally. When is the later instance you restrained your youngster for not reading their Sunday university lesson? How markedly example do you devote rule them the rules from the religious writing compared next to lessons them the rules of football, ball game or a few another game? How so much example do you spend beside your family? Do you use the vindication that past you have achieved a certain dream you will devote much event near them? You may ne'er have that luck. Do not disregard your household. You have detected the old saga "I never heard a person on their passing bed say they wished they had spent more example on their job".
Each day God gives us should be utilized to spoon over Him in every way. Take the example to assistance soul in want. Take occurrence to let population cognize that you be keen on them. Do something for person even in spite of this they don't be it. Let Holy Spirit lead you in helping God all day.
Do not sing your own praises around what you have preset for solar day. Instead do as James instructs in his letter, say if the Lord allow I will in performance and do this or that. Determine to use all day portion him and laying up appreciate in eden.
Do not thought for solar day but mean for eternity. Know that the Lord Jesus Christ is your own christ and singing you duration portion God. Great will be your reward for your allegiance.